Fees & Frequently
Asked Questions

Starting therapy is a big step, and knowing you are ready is a very personal decision

We all have our own reasons for seeking support, and your willingness to engage in the process is key. I’m happy to answer any additional questions, so if you don’t find your answers below, please feel free to reach out, or schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

Q: How will I know if my child, teen, family or myself needs therapy?

Do you have daily struggles in your home with your children or teens about academics, chores, motivation, or communication?

Do you recognize that something in your life or the lives of your children needs to shift?

Do you find yourself worrying about how you are doing as a parent or spouse?

Do things feel harder than they should?

Do your relationships feel more challenging than you would like?

Is there on-going conflict and tension in the home?

Are issues from your past resurfacing?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you/your child/your family may benefit from therapy’s safe and helpful container.

Q: How is therapy helpful?

You are one person, thinking about an issue or possibly trying to solve a problem by yourself. Two people tackling one problem can be more effective!

Therapy provides a safe space where the only focus, the only goal is working on you. This can provide a sense of relief that may bring more ease to your days.

The structure, container and regularity of therapy gives you dedicated space to work on what you need. You may also access alternative modalities that we can discuss in your session. 

Q: How much will therapy cost?

The standard fee for each 55-minute individual session is $210 and payment will be charged after the appointment is completed. The fee for family or parent sessions is $250.

I understand that therapy is a big commitment both in time and money. I will provide monthly superbills that you can submit to your insurance for out-of-network reimbursement. The amount of reimbursement varies depending on your provider and plan.

Q: Should I come to your office in person (located in downtown Kentfield, CA)?

An in-office session offers the benefit of a neutral space. A physical space that is not your home or bedroom gives you the freedom to leave behind what you don’t want to take back with you. 

My office is centrally located in Marin county and easy to get to from several areas. Free parking is available in the lot behind the building in the space marked 202B. There is also ample free street parking.

I do offer therapy sessions via phone or video. However, this usually works best for clients after we have already established our therapy relationship. It is best to meet in-person at first.

Flexible virtual therapy sessions are always available for accessibility reasons or during illness.

Q: What if we’re not the right fit to work together?

No problem! I can help you find someone who might be better suited to your specific needs. 

Q: Is your practice inclusive of different communities and identities?

I am passionate about helping people find the right support and I celebrate all bodies and identities.

I welcome diversity including all body sizes, abilities, races, sexual identities, genders, and religions.

Q: Will you keep what we say in therapy confidential?

The therapeutic relationship is both highly personal and a contractual agreement. Given this, it is important to reach an understanding about how our relationship will work and what to expect.

Before working together, you will need to read and complete an informed consent document as part of the intake form packet.

This consent will provide a clear framework for our work together. Feel free to ask questions. 

If you are a teen, we will discuss what confidentiality means for us and what limits there are to it. Because you live with your family, we will schedule monthly check-ins with your parents or guardians. You may choose to be a part of these or not. You will know when these take place, and you will decide what you do and do not want to be shared. 

Q: If you are working with my child or teen, how will I be involved as the parent?

While it is essential in therapy that children and teens have their own confidential space, parent checks-ins are also important to the process. With young children, parents will  be part of the first intake session along with their child. With older children and teens, I will meet with your child first and then have a parent session after the first or second session. On-going, I strive to have parent sessions (with or without your child or teen) monthly where I will go over themes of the work, give updates on goals, and share any other relevant information that your child and I have discussed in advance. In the event of any safety issues, I will reach out to parents in a timely manner.

Q: What does the therapy process look like?

You have taken a very positive step by deciding to seek therapy. Together, we will work to develop an effective treatment plan based on the information you provide, the specifics of your unique situation, and my recommendations. 

It is my intention to provide services that will assist you in reaching your goals, and your feedback in this process is essential. The outcome of your treatment depends largely on your willingness to engage in this process, which may feel at varying times supportive, challenging, overwhelming, or relieving. Sometimes things feel harder before they feel better, but we will work together through all the stages of this healing journey. 

Q: How long does therapy take?

Due to the individuality of each person and the intensity of their issues, I am unable to predict the length of therapy needed or to guarantee a specific outcome or result. Typically treatment lasts between 9-12 months but it varies depending on your needs, goals and progress. 

Throughout the therapeutic process, I will support you and do my very best to understand your issues, needs, and your repeating patterns, as well as to help you clarify what it is that you want for yourself. 

Q: Besides talk therapy, are there any other modalities that you offer?

Yes! Please see my Specialities pages to explore the methods I offer.

While I may suggest integrating somatic modalities such as yoga, breathwork, somatic practices, or sandtray into our sessions, your engagement in these alternate therapeutic strategies is optional and is dependent upon your interest and the appropriateness to your treatment goals. 

Q: What if I’m late or I need to cancel a session?

I understand that unforeseen circumstances can impact your schedule. Your appointment time is held exclusively for you and is an essential commitment to your therapy goals. All cancellations require 48 hours advance notice. Failure to cancel within the 48 hour time frame will result in you being charged your full session fee.

For in-person sessions, if you are running late, please reach out to me if possible. I will start the session when you arrive, but we will still end at your regular time. For video sessions, if you are not logged in after 10 minutes, I will contact you by phone. After 15 minutes, I will log out of the session and you will be charged a cancellation fee. Please note that if you late-cancel a session but are able to reschedule during the same week, I will waive the cancellation fee.

If something is impacting your scheduled appointment time, please reach out to me ASAP. If we are able to reschedule your appointment within the same week, the cancellation fee will be waived.

Q: How do I contact you between sessions?

If you need to contact me between sessions, please leave a voicemail at 415-578-2978 or email me at kimfahlenmft@gmail.com. You may also message me through the HIPAA-compliant portal on Simple Practice once you are an established client. I am often not immediately available but will respond to messages within 1 business day. 

If an emergency situation arises, please call 911 or go to the Marin Crisis Stabilization Unit at 250 Bon Air Road in Greenbrae, CA. 

Q: What happens if we need to end my therapy?

The appropriate length of therapy depends on the goals and progress of the treatment. If either of us determines that the goals have been met and/or something isn’t working, we will discuss the next steps. If this involves changing the type of treatment or provider, I will work with you to provide necessary referrals. Whatever the reason for termination, it is important to have a process in order to achieve some closure in a respectful and responsible manner. 

Q: What is your background, education, and therapeutic orientation?

I hold a Master's of Science in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling from San Francisco State University as well as a Bachelors of Science in Education from the University of Memphis. 

Licensed since 2005, my work is grounded in the relationship between the brain and body. Life takes a toll on our bodies and many people come to therapy feeling cut off from the self.

I believe that true progress happens when we tune into the messages from the body, specifically the nervous system, and learn to integrate our minds, bodies, emotions and spirit.

Certified in somatic practices such as yoga, Nia, meditation, and mindfulness-based stress reduction, I also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and trauma-informed therapy.  

Interested in sandtray work? I have done extensive training in sandtray methods throughout my entire career and incorporate sand work into my therapy sessions when clinically appropriate.

Read more about me on my ABOUT page.

Q: I’m ready. How do I get started?

Click Book a Consultation to request a 15-minute no-fee phone or video call.

If we decide to move forward and schedule an appointment, you’ll receive an email containing a packet of intake forms. Completing these forms in advance allows us to get right to work!