Therapy for Positive
Body Image
In Marin County, California & online for California Residents
Find freedom from body hatred and
discover joy in your body
See yourself as a whole person. Sustaining self-love is a path to wholeness.
Does it seem like life is unfolding faster than your nervous system can process? You try to do it all because that is what you’ve been taught. Your whole life people have told you that you have to do and be more–stronger, healthier, smarter, thinner. Somehow, all of your struggles are the fault of an imperfect body and you take all your pain out on the only physical vessel you can truly call home. Your daily motto becomes, “if only” -- If only I were thinner, younger, in better shape, and fit into my old clothes.
All of this body hatred causes misdirected actions and leaves you in a cycle of dieting, over-exercise, over or under eating and avoiding the mirror. As a result, you find yourself living in your head, disconnected from your body and being flooded with worries about how you look, avoiding social situations, and feeling isolated.
You are constantly bombarded with images of what the “perfect” body should be along with an abundance of conflicting and often unhealthy messages about what to eat, how to exercise, and what self care plan to adopt. You’ve spent countless money and time chasing this ideal but all the while overriding what your body is telling you.

I’m curious…
When was the last time you really tuned into your body?
Our bodies speak in sensations and constantly give us data about what’s working and not working. What is your body saying?
Listen to the pit in your stomach. Listen to the tightness in your chest, listen to the pounding in your head. Listen to the tingling in my hands and feet. Feel into the shallow breathing, the kink in your neck, the chronic back pain.
What would it take to reconnect with your own deep wisdom?
You’re searching for something outside of yourself when you just need to get quiet, focus, and settle into the body. Befriend the body. Our bodies know the truth and carry the wisdom that we are enough just as we are. Work and life obligations never stop but you can learn to get unstuck from your spinning thoughts, set healthy boundaries, prioritize self care, and relax the nervous system to create a life that is balanced, energized and authentic.
Together, we will create a personalized self care plan that is attainable, sustainable and meets your bodies’ needs by answering these questions.
What do you need more of in your life right now?
What is your current self care routine?
What are your unhelpful habits?
How do you like to move your body everyday?
What types of movement do you like?
What, when, and how are you feeding your body?
Are you unplugging daily from technology and social media?
Where do you find authentic connection?
How do you express gratitude to your body?
How do you react when someone gives you a compliment?